Shinkyu Traditional Japanese Acupuncture
Year-Long Certification Program
in Los Angeles, California
Traditional Japanese Acupuncture, with over 1500 years of history and experience, has gained global recognition in recent years. It distinguishes itself through patient-centered care, gentle needling techniques, abdominal palpation and diagnosis, and various pulse diagnostic methods. Unlike traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture, Japanese acupuncture focuses on diagnostic methods for not only Zang Fu, but meridians using palpation, as well as non-invasive acupuntreatments like Shoni Shin and Tei Shin.
Historically in Japan, acupuncture education revolved around a "Master-Disciple Relationship," in which students absorbed not only the techniques and theories of acupuncture from a single master, but also the etiquette and behavior required to become a proficient acupuncturist. However, contemporary acupuncture education in schools primarily focuses on preparing students to pass national exams, rather than fully training them as acupuncturists. This results in limited time dedicated to skill development and minimal guidance from teachers. Additionally, the lack of consistency and clarity in instruction from teachers with diverse backgrounds and experiences can lead to confusion among students.
This year-round educational program is meticulously crafted by a select group of instructors who share the same foundational theories, techniques, and treatment methods. Our aim is to cultivate your critical thinking skills and nurture your ability to provide personalized care for each patient's body and mind. Through a combination of classroom lectures on philosophy and theory, followed by ample hands-on practical instruction, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of traditional Japanese medicine.
The intimate setting of our program allows for an enriching "Master-Disciple Relationship" to form between instructors and participants, facilitating a deep dive into the intricacies of this ancient practice. Instructors are readily available to address any challenges you may face in your clinic, even after the program concludes. This enduring mentorship extends beyond completion of the program, ensuring ongoing support and guidance for all participants. Once established, the "Master-Disciple Relationship" becomes a lifelong connection that transcends time constraints.

Japanese Style Needling
Japanese Acupuncture mainly uses tonification needling. Gentle and Painless Needling Techniques is necessary for tonification based acupuncture.

Shoni Shin
Japanese Style Non-Invasive Pediatric Acupuncture, Shoni Shin is a pain-free and gentle acupuncture treatment for all children from newborn to 12 year old.

Pulse Diagnosis
Ki Kou Ku Do Pulse Diagnosis is one of the forgotten pulse diagnosis to diagnose imbalance of the meridians. It is an extremely useful method for acupuncture treatment.

Japanese Acupuncture relies heavily on palpatory examination. Abdominal Palpation, back palpation, meridian palpation, acupuncture point palpation are all used in the treatment.

Authentic Sugiyama Acupuncture
Sugiyama Waichi "Father of Acupuncture" invented guide tube system acupuncture method. He has created 96 needling techniques using guide tube called Kan Shin Ho.

Tei Shin & Da Shin
Tei Shin, non-Insertive Acupuncture and Da Shin, hammer Acupuncture are one of the unique approach of Japanese Acupuncture.

Spirituality of Acupuncture Point
Each Acupuncture point has it's unique names that contains metaphysical connotations. By knowing the meaning of the point's names, it will expand the usage of points in completely in the different ways

Japanese Style Direct Moxibustion "Tonetsu Kyu", heat penetrating moxibustion using fine grade handmade moxa.

A Year-Long Certification Program
This in-person program convenes once a month, spanning 14 hours each weekend (Saturday and Sunday) for a duration of 12 months. Over the course of the program, participants will accumulate a total of 168 hours of comprehensive education, making them eligible to earn CEUs and NCCAOM PDA credits. Students who diligently attend all lectures and demonstrate proficiency in both written and practical exams will be conferred with a certificate acknowledging them as Japanese Acupuncture Practitioners.
This program is for:
I want to transit from Chinese style acupuncture to Japanese acupuncture, but I don't know where to begin.
I want to learn Japanese acupuncture from the very basic.
I want to learn palpation methods including pulse diagnosis, abdominal, meridian and acupuncture point palpation.
I want to learn the gentle and painless needling techniques in hands-on style instruction.
I'm using Japanese style acupuncture, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
I want to learn Japanese-style moxibustion therapy.
I graduated from acupuncture school and received a qualification, but I don't know how to treat patients.
I want to build my confidence in acupuncture.
I want to learn Japanese acupuncture in the US, which can be only learned in Japan.
I would like to learn directly from an experienced Japanese acupuncturist.
Module 1: Introduction to Japanese Acupuncture, Japanese style gentle needling technique
Understanding the history and origins of Japanese acupuncture is crucial when embarking on this educational journey. Delve into the evolution of Oriental medicine, initially introduced from China, as it transformed into a distinctive practice in Japan. Influenced by cultural nuances, traditions, and the unique characteristics of its inhabitants, Japanese acupuncture embodies a philosophy deeply rooted in these elements.
Central to Japanese acupuncture is the concept of tonification, underpinned by the belief that all ailments stem from deficiencies within the body. A key tenet of this practice is the emphasis on gentle needling techniques, as painless needling is viewed as a method to tonify the body effectively where painful needling can only sedate.
Module 1 offers a blend of didactic lectures and hands-on training, allowing participants to master the art of gentle needling. Through the utilization of the Japanese guide-tube needling method, employing both hands, students will develop proficiency in this essential aspect of Japanese acupuncture.
Module 2: Four Deficiency Patterns, Needling Practice
At the core of Japanese acupuncture lies the fundamental concept of the Four Deficiency Patterns, serving as a cornerstone of its practice. While traditional Chinese medicine recognizes deficiencies in the five zang organs - liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys - Japanese acupuncture focuses on four deficiencies, excluding the heart deficiency pattern. By delving into the theory and rationale behind these patterns, participants will gain invaluable insights into approaching diseases and formulating effective treatment strategies.
Module 2 delves deeper into the intricacies of the Four Deficiency Patterns. Through a combination of theoretical teachings and hands-on needling practice, students will further refine their skills and understanding of this essential aspect of Japanese acupuncture.
Module 3: Palpation I - Various Pulse Diagnostic Techniques
In acupuncture school, students typically learn only one type of pulse diagnosis method, which may not be sufficient for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
In this module, you will learn the most effective pulse diagnosis methods for daily treatment, including Ki Kou Ku Do Pulse Diagnosis, which can diagnose deficiencies and excesses in meridians. This method is particularly valuable for acupuncturists seeking to improve their diagnostic skills.
Module 3 will continue with needling training following the lecture.
Module 4: Palpation II - Abdominal and Meridian Palpation and Diagnosis
Palpation is a very important part of Japanese acupuncture. In Chinese medicine, palpation is rarely performed other than pulse examination, and abdominal diagnosis (Fuku Shin) and meridian palpation (Keiraku Shin) are not considered important. Japanese acupuncture is strongly influenced by Kanpo medicine, and the importance of abdominal examination cannot be ignored. This module teaches the most useful abdominal examinations, and also covers meridian palpation methods for diagnosing meridians. Meridian disease pattern differentiation is also an important knowledge to have for combining with the findings of abnormal manifestation through meridian palpation.
Module 4 will continue with needling training following the lecture.
Module 5: Palpation III - Acupuncture Point Palpation, Diagnosis and Needling
Finding effective acupuncture points for treatment is essential for acupuncturists. Acupuncture points change their appearance depending on the time. As the acupuncture points are said to be open and closed, it is essential to look for acupuncture points that are open or active. For this reason, simply measuring and locating the acupuncture points according to textbooks is not helpful for treatment. It is necessary to find an acupuncture point through meridian palpation, and then diagnose the acupuncture point itself to understand what condition it is in. We will focus on studying its diagnostic and classification methods. In addition, once you have classified the appearance of the acupuncture points, you must first understand the theory as to what needling techniques can be used to treat and normalize the acupuncture points, and then practice repeatedly to master them completely. We will practice until successfully master this method. This allows acupuncture treatment to have reliable therapeutic effects.
Module 5 will continue with needling training following the lecture.
Module 6: Sigiyama Authentic Guide Tube Needling Techniques
Waichi Sugiyama is known as the father of acupuncture, and was given the highest rank as a doctor at the time by the shogun, making a great contribution to the development of acupuncture in Japan. He established 45 acupuncture training centers at the time and worked to popularize acupuncture and anma. The guide tube acupuncture method is an acupuncture method devised by Waichi Sugiyama, and is now used worldwide. At the same time as devising the guide tube acupuncture method, he created ninety-six acupuncture manipulation techniques, and many of the basic techniques currently taught in Japanese acupuncture schools are incorporated from these methods. It is important to learn the basic acupuncture method using a guide tube, and in addition to that, learn the stimulation method with it. In this module, students will learn the basics of the guide tube acupuncture method and Sugiyama's representative acupuncture stimulation techniques. Mastery of these techniques will enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments.
Module 7: Shoni Shin (Japanese Style Non-Invasive Pediatric Acupuncture)
Shoni Shin, a unique non-invasive acupuncture method originating in Japan, is primarily tailored for pediatric patients. The tools utilized in pediatric acupuncture fall under the category of contact-needling acupuncture (Sesshoku Shin), making them suitable not only for children but also for individuals who are needle-shy. During the pediatric acupuncture module, participants will delve into the distinctive pathologies, symptoms, and diagnostic approaches specific to children. They will also gain insights into the selection and proper utilization of various contact acupuncture tools, along with effective stimulation techniques.
Module 8: Tei Shin (Non-Insertive Acupuncture) and Da Shin (Hammer Acupuncture)
Tei Shin, classified as one of the nine classical needles, is a non-insertive acupuncture tool with its origins rooted in ancient texts like the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic. While these texts provide a brief overview of its shape and intended use, comprehensive instructions on its application for treatment are lacking in Chinese acupuncture teachings. In Japan, the utilization of Tei Shin for treatment has been refined through trial and error, though detailed guidance remains scarce. This module aims to elucidate the various types of Tei Shin and their distinct modes of application and stimulation. Participants will explore the unique techniques and treatment methodologies associated with the "Hibiki" Tei Shin, developed by Dr. Maeda.
Da Shin, an exclusive acupuncture technique developed in Japan by the Zen monk Mubun and popularized by Isai Misono, involves the skillful insertion of needles using a wooden mallet. In contemporary practice, Da Shin treatment employs vibratory stimulation to target acupuncture points and other body areas without needle insertion, utilizing Tei Shin.
Module 9: Japanese Style Moxibustion
"Tonetsu Kyu", Heat penetrating moxibustion is a moxibustion therapy unique to Japan. This is also called "Point Moxibustion", and is a direct moxibustion applied to the skin. With finest grade Japanese moxa, twist a rice grain-sized or half-rice grain-sized moxa cone with the fingers and place it on an acupuncture point to ignite it. Similar to acupuncture, it differs from simple heat therapy in that it performs tonification-sedation and is used for treatment.
In this lecture, we will focus on heat penetrating moxibustion and thoroughly learn its techniques. In the Asia, our treatment method is called acupuncture and moxibustion and they are always paired and are considered inseparable. There is saying in the classical texbook, ``It is not the behavior of a good doctor to do acupuncture and not do moxibustion, or to do moxibustion and not do acupuncture.''
Module 9 will continue with needling training following the lecture.
Module 10: Spirituality of Acupuncture Point
Each acupuncture point has unique name and some points have more than two names. Many are named by its anatomical location but not always the case. Many of the "Window of the Sky" points have the character of Tian 天 (Heaven or Universe), but what is this character indicating?
This module will dive deeper into learning the meaning of the characters and the hidden metaphysical connotation of some unique points.
Module 10 will continue with needling training following the lecture.
Module 11: Nan Jing Acupuncture and Yin/Yang Crossover Acupuncture
Nanjing acupuncture draws on the 69 and 75 tribulations and applies the mother-child relationship based on the theory of the five elements, forming the basis of Japan's meridian therapy. Yin-Yang crossover acupuncture involves utilizing Miu Ci, Ju Ci, and Yuan Do Ci to leverage the relationship between Yin and Yang (left and right, upper and lower) in treatment. The Projection Method, which breaks down the body into parts, is also utilized in this treatment approach. By focusing on specific points like Yao Tong Xue to treat lower back pain, practitioners can effectively address issues by projecting the body onto the hands. This module will provide a detailed overview of these theories and techniques to enhance treatment outcomes.
Module 12: Construction of Japanese Acupuncture Treatment and Protocol
In this final module, we bring together the essence of the preceding 11 lectures to provide a structured overview of Japanese-style acupuncture treatment. By consolidating your knowledge, you will gain insights into the methodology and techniques necessary for delivering effective treatment. Through the refinement of pulse examination and palpation skills, participants will be equipped to conduct a thorough diagnosis, facilitating the provision of comfortable and gentle acupuncture therapy. Following the session, a practical demonstration will guide you through a complete treatment process, replicating a real acupuncture session for a hands-on learning experience.
Final Exam: Written and Practical Examination for Certification
The certification final examination is designed for individuals seeking to become certified Japanese Acupuncture practitioners. The assessment comprises a written component covering content from all lectures and a practical examination evaluating proficiency in the techniques introduced throughout the course. This comprehensive evaluation ensures a thorough understanding of Japanese Acupuncture principles and the ability to apply them effectively in a clinical setting.
Professional: $6,000
Acupuncture Student: $5,500
*Payment plan is available in installment of $1,000 first 6 months (Professional), $1,000 first 5 months and $500 on the 6th month (Student).
*First installment payment or one-time full payment is required at the time of registration.
Registration ends on August 1, 2024
Continue Education Unit
Instructor is a CEU (1153) and PDA (1253) provider. California state continue education unit (CEU) and NCCAOM (PDA) is granted for the hours of completion. (Total: 168, 14 each Currently pending)
Each module is a stand-alone CEU/PDA seminar and the participants can earn units per seminar.
*Please contact the organizer for how to register for single seminar.
*Certificate will NOT be issued unless completing the entire program and successfuly passing the exams.
Venue Location
2716 Ocean Park Blvd, Suite 2007
Santa Monica, CA 90405 USA
Module 1: September 14 and 15, 2024
Module 2: October 19 and 20, 2024
Module 3: November 23 and 24, 2024
Module 4: December 14 and 15, 2024
Module 5: January 11 and 12, 2025
Module 6: February 15 and 16, 2025
Module 7: March 15 and 16, 2025
Module 8: April 12 and 13, 2025
Module 9: May 10 and 11, 2025
Module 10: June 7 and 8, 2025
Module 11: July 19 and 20, 2025
Module 12: August 16 and 17, 2025
Final Exam: August 17, 2025 after the lecture
*Schedule may change due to the availability of the venue.
Cost of Meterials
We provide all necessary materials for your acupuncture and moxibustion training, including acupuncture needles, moxa, incense, cotton balls, and rubbing alcohol. Additional materials such as Shoni Shin tools, Tei Shin, wooden mallet for Da Shin, and Tei Shin leather cases are also available for purchase upon request and subject to availability.

Atsuki Maeda, DAOM, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.
Dr. Atsuki Maeda is a highly experienced acupuncturist, moxibustionist, and anma/massage/shiatsu therapist in Japan. He is also a California state licensed acupuncturist, a nationally certified diplomat of Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and a doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental medicine. With over 37 years of clinical experience and more than 20 years of teaching experience, Dr. Maeda is a respected authority in the field.
Throughout his career, Dr. Maeda has taught in Master's and Doctoral programs at various acupuncture institutions. He is the founder of the Japanese Acupuncture program at the Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College in Berkeley and the Japanese Acupuncture concentration program at Emperor's College of Traditional Oriental Medicine.
In addition, Dr. Maeda established the Japanese Acupuncture study program at AIMC, Berkeley in 2007 and currently leads the Japanese Acupuncture Study-Abroad Tour in Kyoto, Japan since 2014. He is also a provider of CEU (California) and PDA (NCCAOM) units, offering continuing education seminars worldwide on Japanese Acupuncture, Stroke Acupuncture (XNKQ), and Celestial Acupuncture.
Dr. Maeda maintains a successful practice in Santa Monica and Torrance, California, where he continues to provide exceptional care to his patients.
Terms and Conditions
Thank you for your interest in our year-long certification program in Shinkyu Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Below are the terms and conditions for attending the seminar:
1. Registration and Payment: To secure your spot in the program, a non-refundable one-time full payment or first month payment (if you are paying in installments) is required at the time of registration. The remaining balance can be paid in installments each first six months of the program.
2. Attendance: Participants are expected to attend all scheduled seminars, workshops, and clinical practice sessions. If you are unable to attend a session, please notify the program coordinator in advance.
3. Conduct: Participants are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Any disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the program.
4. Acknowledgment: During the program, participants will have the opportunity to practice palpation techniques on their colleagues for educational and practice purposes. Additionally, participants may also be palpated by their colleagues for practice feedback and by the instructor for demonstration purposes. By participating in the program, you are acknowledging and consenting to engage in palpation exercises as part of the educational curriculum. This hands-on approach is crucial for developing proficiency and confidence in traditional Japanese Acupuncture techniques.
6. Certification: To receive a certificate of completion for the program, participants must successfully complete all required coursework, examinations, and clinical practice hours.
7. Refund Policy: Refunds will not be issued for any payments made towards the program. In the event of extenuating circumstances, a credit towards a future program may be considered.
8. Liability: Participants attend the program at their own risk. The program organizers, instructors, and facility will not be held liable for any injuries or damages sustained during the program.
By registering for the year-long certification program in Shinkyu Traditional Japanese Acupuncture, you agree to adhere to the above terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the program coordinator for clarification. We look forward to having you join us on this exciting journey towards becoming a certified traditional Japanese Acupuncturist.